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A 50M with C/o Bilateral Pedal Edema

A 50Y M Came with C/o Pedal Edema since 1 week

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 Year back then he developed back pain for which he went to local hospital and diagnosed to have CKD. He was on Conservative management, 3 months back he had Pedal edema and started on hemodialysis since May 25 which was his last follow up.

Pedal edema is present
Blood transfusion of PRBC done on 02/09/23

Dialysis was done on:-


Past History:
K/C/O CKD since March 2023
K/C/O DM2 since 4 years on Insulin ( Irregular Medication) 
K/C/O HTN, CVA, CAD, Epilepsy

Surgical history:-
4 years back 2nd right toe amputation done (Diabetic)
In March RIGHT IJV was placed and removed in May.

On Examination:-
Patient was conscious, coherent and cooperative

No signs of Pallor, Icterus, Cyanosis, Clubbing, Lymphadenopathy 
Temp- 98.4F
PR- 96 BPM
RR- 18 CPM
BP- 130/80 MM HG
SpO2- 96% at Room Atmosphere

Systemic examination:-
CVS- S1 S2 +, no murmurs
P/A- Soft , Non Tender, No organomegaly

LFT Done on 18-08-2023
RFT Done on 18-08-2023
CBP- done on 18-08-2023
HbsAg- Done on 19-08-2023
Anti HCV antibodies - done on 19-08-2023

CBP- done on 31-08-2023
RFT Done on 31-08-2023
CBP- done on 03-09-2023

Treatment Adviced-
1. FluidRestriction < 1.5L/day
2. Salt Restriction < 2g/day
3. INJ. EPO 4000 IU/SC/Twice weekly
4. INJ. Iron sucrose 100 mg in 100 ml NS Once Weekly
5. Tab. Nodosis 500mg PO/BD
6. Tab. Orofer XT PO/BD
7. Tab. Shelcal 500mg PO/OD
8. INJ. Piptaz 2.5g IV/TID for 3 days


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